CPS - Coast Personnel Services
CPS stands for Coast Personnel Services
Here you will find, what does CPS stand for in Manpower under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Coast Personnel Services? Coast Personnel Services can be abbreviated as CPS What does CPS stand for? CPS stands for Coast Personnel Services. What does Coast Personnel Services mean?The United States based company is located in Santa Clara, California engaged in staffing and recruiting industry.
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Alternative definitions of CPS
- Cristianos por el Socialismo
- Crown Prosecution Service
- Carrier Pre Selection
- Characters Per Second
- Child Protection Services
- City Public Service
- Continuation Passing Style
- Current Population Survey
View 489 other definitions of CPS on the main acronym page
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- CRM City Rescue Mission
- CIS Cambridge International School
- CTRMR CTR Market Research
- CERA Centre for Eye Research Australia
- CTL Camp Twin Lakes
- CGEWHO Central Govt Employees Welfare Housing Organisation
- CLS Community Living Society
- CPL Concept Pharma Ltd
- CBPPL Corner Brook Pulp and Paper Limited
- CCS Cambridge Computer Services
- CCC California Conservation Corps
- CIPL Cyber Infrastructure Private Limited
- CCA Cornerstone Christian Academy
- CSD187 Cahokia School District 187
- CBTTA Christian Berner Tech Trade Ab